
  1. 1. Shipping rates
  2. 2. Delivery time
  3. 3. International shipping
  4. 4. Domestic shipping
  5. 5. Delivery failures
  6. 6. Order tracking (for consumer products only)
  7. 7. Delays
  8. 8. Duties and taxes


  1. 1. Returns policy (for consumer products only)


  1. 1. What payment methods do you accept?
  2. 2. When will I be charged for my order?
  3. 3. Is it safe to order online?


  1. 1. How does WOWNOWKL Launches work?
  2. 2. How do I cancel an WOWNOWKL Launches registration?
  3. 3. Do I need a separate account for WOWNOWKL Launches?
  4. 4. What are WOWNOWKL Launches terms and conditions?

Privacy Policy

  1. 1. Collected information
  2. 2. Personal Identification details
  3. 3. Confidentially
  4. 4. Security